Bull thistle (Cirsium horridulum), also called bristly thistle, is an herb with distinctive prickles. A Few of Milk Thistle's Medicinal Uses (What Milk Thistle is "Good For"): . One study evaluated whether a milk thistle extract gel would help prevent radio-dermatitis in people diagnosed with breast cancer. Except for the spines, all parts of bull thistle can be used for food, making it essential for foragers.(Related:Why you should learn about herbs in your area: Wild edibles and medicinal plants can offer food security.). The derivation of the name of this genus is difficult to determine; by some orders it is said to come from the Greek cheuro, a technical word denoting the operation of carding wool, to which process the heads of some of the species are applicable. About 3 1/2 tons of fresh herb produce 1 ton when dried, and about 35 cwt. You can use it for pillow stuffing, insulation, even tinder. Centaurea Calcitrapa, the Common Star Thistle, occurs in waste places and by roadsides, but is somewhat rare and chiefly found in south-east England. Your email address will not be published. The growth of weeds in Great Britain, having, in the opinion of many, also reached disturbing proportions, it is now proposed to enact a similar law in this country, and the Smallholders' Union is bringing forward a 'Bill to prevent the spread of noxious weeds in England and Wales,' the provisions being similar to the Australian law - weed-infested roadsides, as well as badly-cleared cultivated land, to come within the scope of the enactment. Bull thistles are biennials. ---Part Used---The whole herb. I mean plain Holy Thistle.' Culpepper describes the 'Wild Carline Thistle (C. vulgaris)' as having flowers 'of a fine purple,' so he must have confused it with another species, or given it a wrong name. Leaves are said to clear infections, and are diuretic, hepatic, sedative and stomachic. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. A decoction of the root is astringent and diminishes discharges from mucous membranes. Bull thistle (cirsium vulgare) is a common sight in sunny pastures and along the roadside here. Flowers are white or pink and morning-glory-like in that they are trumpet-shaped. Bull thistle is an annual or biennial herb. The boiled leaves can act as an effective diuretic and mildly drains the liver, as well as provides comfort when fevers are caused by an overworked liver. Weeds like bull thistle arent usually welcome in home gardens. EdibleWildFood.com is informational in nature. At one time the root used to be chewed as a remedy for toothache. You can also eat older leaves, but as usual they are bitter boiling helps to remove some of the bitterness. The crispy new leaves and stems are usually sweet and juicy, but first they need carefully peeled to remove prickly spines. Beginner's Guide to Safely Foraging for ---Description---The stem of the Blessed Thistle grows about 2 feet high, is reddish, slender, very much branched and scarcely able to keep upright under the weight of its leaves and flowerheads. The whole plant, leaves, stalks and also the flowerheads, are covered with a thin down. The light green stems have white hairs . It grows in waste places, by roadsides, in pastures and cultivated ground, and is generally distributed over the whole kingdom. Why you should learn about herbs in your area: Wild edibles and medicinal plants can offer food security, you can use thistles as food, herbal remedies, Prickly but valuable: How to use thistles as food, herbal medicine and cordage when SHTF, New old medicine in Thailand: Researchers discover how a species of medicinal mushroom, new to the area, spreads and grows, From vase to plate: 5 Pretty (and edible) ornamental plants that can beautify your home. It is considered one of the best medicines which can be used for the purpose. They're far more than just a pretty flower! Contents show They're used to treat various diseases such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, gout, kidney stones, liver problems, rheumatism, and ulcers. This striking plant, crowned with its golden flowers, is abundant throughout Sicily. I knew one gentleman to use a syrup of this root in long-standing coughs, where the expectoration was free and the lungs feeble; and he also used a wine tincture in mild leucorrhea and prolapsus. Welcome to the Weekly Weeder series. The leaves themselves have jagged edges tipped by spines, and are smooth on top but often somewhat hair underneath. Other Uses This kind of fodder was formerly used to a great extent in Scotland before the introduction of special green crops for the purpose. In large doses, Blessed Thistle acts as a strong emetic, producing vomiting with little pain and inconvenience. The flowers expand in dry and close in moist weather. . Bull thistle root is edible, but it is best served with other vegetables. The stem in the ordinary form is so short that the flowers appear to be sessile, or sitting, in the centre of the rosette of prickly leaves, but very occasionally it attains the length of a foot or 18 inches, and then is usually slightly branched. KNAPWEED, GREATER The leaves are long, undulated, with scattered hairs on both surfaces, somewhat shiny, green and verydeeply cut. It is common and generally distributed in England, growing in hedgebanks, borders of fields and by roadsides, occurring less frequently in Scotland. For more long term control, look at the soil itself. Herbalists do not have an official certification yet, but that may be in the works. It has been chewed as a remedy for toothache. In-depth wild edible PDFs. As mentioned earlier, they thrive in disturbed soils.). Biennial. Plants bloom in summer with large, reddish purple flower heads that resemble an old time shave cream brush. Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) Common in Clackamas County, highly invasive, see our weed profile. You can identify this plant by its firm and thorny stem and leaves that end in sharp, extended thorns. The stem is erect, 2 to 3 feet high, branched only in larger plants, furrowed, interruptedly winged. . The leaves are loped, with each ending in a sharp spine. Simply grab at the very base of the plant, where it is less spiny, or even just below the soil line. Theres also swamp thistle (cirsium muticum). 1. This is one of the least troublesome of the Thistles, being an annual and less abundant than some others. Eat the Weeds- Green Deane's guide to edible plants. The different species are all edible and have similar uses. It can be an acquired taste, so try a bit first. The plant was at one time supposed to possess very great virtues against fevers of all kinds. Introduced from Europe, it's covered in slender, spear-like spines. They even taste similar. The lowest leaves are very large, often 2 feet long, the stem leaves much smaller, all deeply cut into, with strap-shaped lobes joined together in pairs in the lower ones. Combine the down with dried stem fibers or root-bark chips for best results when catching and kindling flaming sparks. Burdock and bull thistle are not only lookalikes but are wild food twins. It was formerly used in magical incantations. Thistle - Milk Scientific Name (s): Silybum marianum Abundance: uncommon What: roots, leaves, young flowers, seeds How: roots raw or cooked; young leaves raw or steamed after removing spines; flowers are steamed; seeds roasted or pressed for oil. Photo by Green Deane Thistle: Touch me not, but add butter Thistles, you're either going to love 'em or hate em. Herbivores avoid the plants because of the prickles. The leaves on Bull thistle have "spiny wings" extending downwards, greenish undersides . The flowers are light reddish-purple, the large woolly heads covered with reddish curled hairs. ---Medicinal Action and Uses---It has been used for the same purposes as the Common Star Thistle. Mature Bull Thistle plant photo by Chris Evans via University of Illinois, Bugwood.org Identification Bracts are broadly triangular, and typically not very spiny. Its roots are usually white, but they can also be tinted with the color of its soil. Thistle Thistle of the Blessed Virgin What is this product used for? Thistles are an invasive weed that can be found in many regions around the world. Typical leaf length is 3-4 inches, although they may reach up to 8 long and 1 wide. The plant often grows 2 to 5 feet tall . Johns (Flowers of the Field) calls this the Ground Thistle, and Culpepper calls it the Dwarf May Thistle, and says that 'in some places it is called the Dwarf Carline Thistle.'. The main stem of this wild edible is firm and thorny. Great article! You can occasionally find bull thistle in your lawn or garden. It is in popular use in Germany for curing jaundice and kindred biliary derangements. It grows more compactly in some soils than in others. It is chiefly used now for nursing mothers the warm infusion scarcely ever failing to procure a proper supply of milk. Medicinal Uses The roots of bull thistle have been used as a poultice and a decoction of the plant used as a poultice on sore jaws. In year two, they shoot up a large flower stalk. We allow them to hang out in the wild areas of the yard, and don't panic when they show up in barefoot zones. They taste a bit like iceberg lettuce (plus, no thorns). The Order of the Thistle, which claims, with the exception of the Garter, to be the most ancient of our Orders, was instituted in 1540 by James V, and revived by James VII of Scotland and Second of England, who created eight Knights in 1687. The MEADOW PLUME THISTLE (C. pratensis). The decoction when applied externally is said to have proved beneficial in cases of cancer. I had read about buckwheat being good to control thistles, so I may try that also. A MODERN HERBAL Home Page, Copyright Protected 1995-2021 Botanical.com. There are clusters of them that grow at the ends of shoots and branches. Thistle: It's That Spine of Year by DEANE in beverage , Edible Raw , Greens/Pot Herb , Medicinal , Miscellaneous , plants , Roots/Tubers/Corms , Vegetable Bull Thistle in Blossom. Store-bought artichokes are a cultivated thistle species. CORNFLOWER Cirsium discolor. Harvest young leaves and second year stems early in the growing season. SCABIOUS, LESSER How to turn wild edible Bull thistle into a medicinal tincture It may look dangerous, but it is not poisonous. The tea can also be used to wash and treat mild burns. There are many thistle species throughout North America (and the rest of the world), but the two common in my yard are Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) andbull thistle (Cirsium vulgare). Cirsium horridulum, called bristly thistle, horrid thistle, yellow thistle or bull thistle, is a North American species of plants in the tribe Cardueae within the family Asteraceae. We'd love to hear your stories and knowledge! Gum has been used as a cure for the opium habit. A chemical vegetation killer can help eliminate bull thistle if mowing and pulling don't work. Bull Thistle is a native herbaceous annual/biennial or short-lived perennial plant in the Asteraceae (daisy) family that is native to North America on the Coastal Plain from southern Maine to Florida and west to Texas. Cold infusions in smaller draughts are valuable in weak and debilitated conditions of the stomach, and as a tonic, creating appetite and preventing sickness. Common thistle plants like the Musk thistle, bull thistle, distaff thistle, Canada thistle, and scotch thistle grow to a height of between 2ft tall and 9ft tall. Plant native thistles and talk about them and we can help them bounce back! You can also subscribe without commenting. Treats snakebites. Magical Properties It is mentioned in all the treatises on the Plague, and especially by Thomas Brasbridge, who in 1578 published his Poore Man's Jewell, that is to say, a Treatise of the Pestilence, unto which is annexed a declaration of the vertues of the Hearbes Carduus Benedictus and Angelica. It looks like and is in the same plant family as the thorny artichoke, but the artichoke's thorns are not as sharp and cannot do as much . Leaves are hairy on top and bottom, with a more silvery tone on the underside. In the interest of science, I founda bull thistle leaf, peeled it and ate it on the spot. The Bull Thistle has a lot of same medicinal qualities as other thistles, but the stickers make it impossible to utilize in any efficient manner. Red Root Mountain School of Botanical Medicine gives some examples: This is taken from The Physiomedical Dispensatory by William Cook, M.D., 1869 Medical Herbalism. KNAPWEEDS, BLACK For bull thistles, I usually use a fork and heavy gloves, unless I can catch them small and get under the rosette. C, calories Three of the most effective natural remedies include cayenne, apple cider vinegar and bull thistle. I've nibbled Canada thistle roots while weeding in the garden. Thistles will soon monopolize a large extent of country to the extinction of other plants, as they have done in parts of the American prairies, in Canada and British Columbia, and as they did in Australia, till a stringent Act of Parliament was passed, about twenty years ago, imposing heavy penalties upon all who neglected to destroy Thistles on their land, every man being now compelled to root out, within fourteen days, any Thistle that may lift up its head, Government inspectors being specially appointed to carry out the enforcement of the law. Love your blog. The flowerheads stand singly and are large and conspicuous. A tincture is prepared by homoeopathists for medicinal use from equal parts of the root and the seeds with the hull attached. Thayer describes peeling off outer layers to reveal the heart (and dismisses it as too much work). Thistles prefer dry ground and disturbed soils with plenty of sun. Required fields are marked *, document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a9ea433d4d751c12b76d1ee135e4732a" );document.getElementById("b4f367d558").setAttribute( "id", "comment" );Comment *. Like the last species, it has many variations of form. . We've all probably heard campfire-worthy tales of monstrously tall and spreading thistles that are impossible to eradicate. The root is spindle-shaped with tuberous fibres; stem 2 feet high, single, erect, round hairy, leafless above; leaves not decurrent, deeply pinnatifid, fringed with minute prickles; heads generally solitary, large, egg-shaped; florets crimson. Pictured below: Bull Thistle. The thistles dont taste bad. Learn how to grow these 8 medicinal plants in your indoor garden, The truth behind organic gardening: 5 Common myths DEBUNKED, Gardening tips for seedling survival: The benefits of hardening off plants and vegetables. Its (also euro) cousin Canada thistle (cirsium arvense) will be covered another time, even though the edible and medicinal usage is similar. Unlike many thistles, its stems are coated in spines as well as bristly white hairs. Foodie Pro & The Genesis Framework. Canada thistles (Cirsium arvense) are perennials, growing back each year from their roots. ---Medicinal Action and Uses---The seeds used to be made into powder and drunk in wine as a remedy for stone, and the powdered root was considered a cure for fistula and gravel. The seeds of the Milk Thistle (Carduus Marianus), known also as Silybum Marianum, have similar properties and uses, and the Cotton Thistle, Melancholy Thistle, etc., have also been employed for like purposes. Giant cotton thistle (Onopordum acanthium) was prized during the Middle Ages for its herbal properties, and by the poor who used its fluffy "down" to stuff mattresses.At from 10 to 15 feet high with a 5-foot spread, this dramatic biennial is not for small gardens. Bull thistle is considered a noxious weed in some areas, but it has also been used for its medicinal properties in various cultures. Their edges have small bristle-like teeth. The leaves are attenuated, embracing the stems at their base, with strong spines at their margins. To get rid of Canada thistles, it's best to catch them when they are young and small. The flowering stalks also can be cleaned and eaten. Thistle leaves taste rather bland. Culpepper tells us that, in his day, it was 'frequent in the Isle of Ely.'. north-east United States (zones 4-7), but do grow elsewhere. The leaves clasp the stem at their bases and white dark green above, have their under-surfaces thickly covered with white and down like hairs. Treats high blood pressure, diuresis, and ulcers. Best to let the bumblebees and gold finches figure it out! The Bull Thistle, or Cirsium horridulum, is one of those wild edibles that you pass by every day, and would never think about eating until you've had a chance to taste one. The stem is elongated, branched, not winged, short and furrowed, woolly, 3 to 5 feet high. Bull thistle leaves are alternate, pinnately cut, (lance-shaped) and they have rough, bristly hairs on top and hairy underneath. The taste is somewhat bland but the prickles MUST BE removed from the leaves before the leaves can be eaten! Others use it to help prevent harm to the liver. The photo below was taken when one of our thistle patches was heavy with morning dew. Livestock do not eat it, giving it an advantage over native species. You can dig up and eat the invasive ones guiltlessly. An infusion is said to expedite labor very effectually, when the nervous system has become fatigued-also anticipating after-pains and flooding. Other Thistles are the SLENDER-FLOWERED THISTLE (C. pycnocephalous) which has stems 2 to 4 feet high, slightly branched, hoary, with broad continuous, deeply-lobed, spinous wings; leaves cottony underneath; heads many, clustered, cylindrical, small; florets pink. The flowers are pale yellow, in green prickly heads, each scale of the involucre, or covering of the head, ending also in a long, brown bristle. The Becherovka herbal liquor is another staple from Karlovy Vary. Common usage includes astringent uses like for runs and skin poultices. ---Medicinal Action and Uses---Tonic, stimulant, diaphoretic, emetic and emmenagogue. Stinging nettle's leaves and root provide a wide variety of nutrients, including ( 1 ): Vitamins: Vitamins A, C . Their roots are very brittle and break off easily (which allows them to regrow), but with frequent cultivation and mulching they are readily brought under control. What you are doing is an inspiration to me! The stalks, like those of most of our larger Thistles, may be eaten, and are palatable and nutritious. And you can upload your plant and other nature photos for help on that front. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Bull thistle colonizes areas where vegetation, topsoil, or overburden is removed such as road sides, pastures and ditch banks. In The Wild Wisdom of Weeds, thistle is promoted as a liver tonic, alkalizing food and general tonic for many conditions. A decoction of the whole plant has been used both internally and externally to treat bleeding piles[257]. When the soil is loose, such as after a rain, it's fairly easy to pull them and get a long section of root, even barehanded. Later in my herbal a talented and a colorful herbalist, devoted practice, however, when I came to a standstill an entry to bull thistle in his informative book in my healing efforts with several individuals Native Plants, Native Healing (2001), wherein he afflicted with severe, progressively deteriorating remarked that the plant is used in his . - Emeraldology, Red Clover - Nitrogen Fixer and Gentle Tonic - Weekly Weeder #4, 6 Ways to Get the Musty Smell Out of Clothes and Towels. Its name comes from the Greek kersion which means thistle. Painted Lady butterflies prefer thistles as food plants for their larva. nutrition, recipes, history, uses & more! A grand Scarlet Thistle from Mexico (Erythrolena conspicua) was grown in England some fifty years ago, but is now never seen. Photograph by Karelj via Wikimedia.. The plants are 1-3 tall, and leaves attach in an alternating pattern up the stem. Flowers are subtended by narrow, spine-tipped bracts. In Weeds, Control Without Poisons, Charles Walters notes that thistles thrive in soils where manganese is low. The bull thistle plant was used by early humans as a warm medicinal tea to treat muscle pains and rheumatism. The sap has a sharp, bitter taste. The leaves are long, narrow, clasping the dull green stem, with prominent pale veins, the irregular teeth of the wavy margin ending in spines. They are best early in the season, before they are in full bloom. The first year they start out as low basal rosettes close to the ground. SCABIOUS, FIELD Thistle leaves taste rather bland. Young thistle leaves can be eaten in a salad or cooked as a vegetable. They may be challenging to work with, but like all things in nature, they serve a purpose. Twelve pounds of the seeds are said to produce, when heat is used in expression, about 3 lb of oil. When SHTF, you can use thistles as food, herbal remedies, or as emergency cordage. Mysterious origins. Field Guide to North American Edible Wild Plants (Out of Print), The Foragers Harvest: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants. They are thin and run deep and can develop several smaller lateral roots. Been used for its medicinal properties in various cultures grow elsewhere run deep can. Lance-Shaped ) and they have rough, bristly hairs on both surfaces, somewhat shiny, green verydeeply. With distinctive prickles crispy new leaves and second year stems early in the wild Wisdom of Weeds, thistle promoted... We can help eliminate bull thistle root is astringent and diminishes discharges from mucous membranes vomiting with pain! What is this product used for its medicinal properties in various cultures on both surfaces somewhat... Like for runs and skin poultices in larger plants, furrowed, woolly, 3 to 5 tall. Piles [ 257 ] can dig up and eat the Weeds- green Deane 's guide to edible.. 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