The person who publicized that theory is a well-known crackpot, and none of his so-called evidence stands up to even the slightest examination. My little granddaughter asked me why I made a schissel challah. He made it up himself. Perfectly pumpkin to enjoy all autumn long. Mermaid: Correct. The custom of Schlissel Challah has become very widespread, not only in the Chassidish world but in many other communities as well. It would have been nice had R. Saks informed us as to when the minhag originated and what scholars suggest its reason is. As for what is decreed on Rosh Hashanaa Yid always can use more bracha. Whoever does it knows or thinks that it is for a reason. This was a way to get around the problem and it eventually became a Jewish custom. After you have finished your hafrasha and prayers, leave the dough, covered by the plastic, to rise until doubled in bulk, about an hour or a bit more. that on Pesach, H is passing up the prerequisite of our opening up even a needles-hole worth, which for me segues into the 2nd reason (all gates open on Pesach) mentioned above. Whatever you decide, don't forget the prayers. Normal, IL; Dalkey Archive Press, 1968. Sam2:If you say so. It dates back to when Klal Yisroel entered Eretz Yisroel in Yehoshuas time. 30 Purim Seudah Picks You Can Make In Under 1 Hour! The source for Schissel Challah is a Christian custom that long predates any Jewish custom of it. Bracha Fischel was born in Zurich (Switzerland) in 1959. And it matters none how popular segulas have become, if they are in direct opposition to Torah and our Rabbis. Please help to remove false practices from Jewish culture, and instead of supporting segula, we should spread these Torah sources to our friends, for whom we desire to help. Shlissel challah Making a beautiful shlissel, or key-shaped, challah is traditional for the week after Passover. No problem. In his work called Imrei Pinchas (#298) he explains that the reason to bake Schlissel Challah on the Shabbos following Pesach is that during Pesach, the gates to Heaven were opened and remain open until Pesach Sheni. You really think some Achron invented this or worse copied it, and other Achronim blindly followed it? Shlissel Challah. I just listened to R. Leibowitzs talk which I highly recommend. There are true Segulos in many places. April 20, 2012 10:09 pm at 10:09 pm #1071854. | "The Best of Myles". Here is info on shlisel challah. Others will press a key shape into the. Its exactly like the claims that the Wuhan Disease is caused by 5G networking, or that autism is caused by the MMR vaccine. 723 likes, 23 comments - Lior Mashiach | (@lioroooosh) on Instagram: " My third and last Shlissel Challah of the year! Chaviva Gordon-Bennett holds an M.A. So since nearly all of us want blessing for a good parnossa, we usually find a way to push ourselves to get those challahs done somehow, even after all the work of Pesach has just finished. Made either in the shape of a key or with a key baked inside, the special bread is known as shlissel challah,with shlissel being the Yiddish word for "key.". How to Make a Schlissel Challah Jamie Geller 43.8K subscribers 12K views 4 years ago The traditional first challah baked after Passover is usually made in the shape of a key (or a clean key is. A Taste of Challah Here Cheryl Holbert of @nomadbakery demonstrates how to make a beautiful, intricate key challah. The key is removed before the challah is eaten, and the tradition is considered . An integral aspect of Torah theology is that this omnipotent entity is the source of all good. 249-250). Like arichas yomim for Shliach Hakan (and Kibud Av). Miraculously, the entire kehillah was saved. Thank you. But I never exactly investigated so thoroughly. Bracha Vehatzlacha! (accessed April 18, 2023). Preheat the oven to 375F/190C while you let your shlissel challah rise for 2030 minutes. The only way we are forgiven for our sins and remove Hashems wrath, is when we identify the cause of our sins, recognize the error, and abandon our poor behavior forever. Roll out each ball into a rope about an inch thick. a prominent MO rav in teaneck (whose blog is often mentioned here) spoke at an rca convention a few years ago about a charedi rav (i called rabbi machmir) who used to write in his prominent pesach guide (now copied by everyone) that segulot are foolish, but in his after pesach section, tells ppl to not forget to bake a shlissel chalah. It expresses the belief that all of our sustenance truly comes to us through Gd's hand. Our belief in G-d is not just limited to the notion that an omnipotent entity created the world. There are those who bake their challah in the shape of a key, some who bake a challah and merely add on a piece of dough in the shape of a key, and then there is the tradition of baking a key into the challah. lol. There is very, very little that I take personally. it sure seems like darkei haemori to me, I would guess because there is some mention? Tamar Ansh, Explaining Shlissel Challahs This article first appeared in. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. But I dont want to debate with you lest I miss you. Others will bake normalchallahloaves and simply place sesame seeds in the shape of a key on top of the bread. Its entirely possible they didnt study the history of every single Minhag. The earliest Jewish source for this is from the Apter Rov in at the turn of the 18th century. In my opinion, a good reference with which to start on this question is the responsum of R. Ovadia Yosef in his book Yabia Omer, Volume 6, Orach Chaim no. "What Is Shlissel Challah?" Its calledCOLLEGE or EDUCATION, The thread title is meant to be SCHLISSEL CHALLA (key challa). As you yourself wrote since nearly all of us want blessing for a good parnossa, we usually find a way to push ourselves to get those challahs done, even after all the work of Pesach has just finished! By presenting those challahs as intricate key shaped challahs, you place an unnecessary burden upon the uninformed who would otherwise have been more then happy to simply decorate the top of the challah in the shape of a key (see Taamei Haminhagim siman 597) or to merely pierce the dough of the challah with a key (see Taamei Haminhagim siman 596), as was the custom of my ancestors. When baking large amounts of bread, cake, or cookies, we are required to do Hafrashas Challah, separate Challah. Its Friday sunset. Sforno taught that our mitzvahs cannot remove our personality flaws, which may deserve a punishment. Anyhow, everyone enjoy your delicious $hli$$el Challah!! Im putting a key on my challah this Shabbat to remind myself of that moment, that first communal moment where we stopped waiting for bread to fall from the skies and started making it ourselves and perhaps to remind myself that the keys to those gates may be in my hands.. It refers to bendels as Emorite practices which are idolatrous. Watch: Video Of Arab Nurses Putting Tefillin On Chareidi Patient Goes Viral. Fedup: Thats a nice Limud Zchus at best, but we know that its just historically inaccurate. Klal yisroel now had to rely on the tevua grown in EY. This will become the bottom of the key. When it is done, remove it carefully to a wire rack to cool, being careful that it should not break apart. Staff April 25, 2022 Passover has ended, which means that this week is the popular shlissel challah Shabbat. Youre also very correct: theres more than one way to do this minhag. Apr 5, 23 Audio Roundup 2023:14 Apr 5, 23 Daily Reyd Apr 4, 23 The Mitzvah to Check for Signs of Kashrut Apr 4, 23 Daily Reyd Apr 3, 23 Who Reads the Haggadah? Rabbi Jeffrey Saks is the founding Director of ATIDThe Academy for Torah Initiatives and Directions in Jewish Education, in Jerusalem. The most important part though, is really our tefillos, our prayers, when we do the mitzvah of hafrashas challah. When shall it stop? And it's an opportunity for me to express my sincere appreciation as one of the "" who benefit from your creative initiatives- Yasher Kochaich. The minhag to bake shlissel challah for the first Shabbos after Pesach is a long-standing one. But it is more than this too. It is time to use our minds and realign our path of life with Torah sources, not blind faith practices. He rewards good and punishes evil. Nonetheless, one should endeavor to say it with the congregation. Form the long rope into an upside down U shape. My sister Celia baked this "Shlissel key" challah yesterday, a tradition for the weekend after Passover. These were the sons of G-d-fearing descendants of Seth 3. I dont know why people cant see, at the very least in this case, that it is obviously a borrowed Minhag with roots in Avodah Zarah Mamash. Lets Say Amen! Line up five of them in one row, with one or two rolls connected to the side of the second to bottom roll in this row. If thats not Chukas Hagoyim then what is? It has pagan and gasp Christian origins, according to several sources. The top part or bow of the key (where you grasp it) is formed by placing the remaining 6 circlets at the top of the blade, leaving a hole in the center. They will be 2 years old in September. Of course, like most things in Judaism, not everybody agrees. (2021, August 2). This is such a lovely thing that you're doing, Tamar ! Anyone who thinks that baking a key into a challah somehow magically leads to parnassah violates the issur of lo senachashu. Ive had your book for years BUT I just started following your directions exactly and WOW a new challah life!!! After Pesach they are closed. Rav Avraham Yehoshua Heshel of Apt zt"l, known as the Apter Rebbe or Apter Rav (1748-1825) is the author of the Ohaiv Yisroel. I dont think that anyone who does this practice uses it as an intermediary for Hashem as the article asserts. (Many European traditions serve an elaborate Easter bread around this time of year, commonly marked with a cross.) I was looking for a Rabbi who can answer my thousand question on Torah. Pronounced: KHAH-luh, Origin: Hebrew, ceremonial bread eaten on Shabbat and Jewish holidays. The shvigger is choshesh for all three shitos. Chacham: Is it my fault that I dont like it when we borrow Avodah Zarah Minhagim? Wow all these years ive been doing it wrong ive been hiding lox in my challah not a key darn. Itche: From what I saw, it was a Pagan/Christian idea as early as the second century CE. The tradition is considered a segula (spiritually propitious) for livelihood. So, as I said earlier, its around the turn of the 19th century or a bit earlier. R. Yosef explains (in a treatise built on talmudic argumentation) that the current state of Israel is a gift from the Creator for which all Jews should be appreciative and recite Hallel (Psalms chapters 113-118) on the Jewish anniversary of its founding. Copyright 2021 | The Yeshiva World. Guest post by R. Jeffrey Saks /The custom some women (or men) have of baking the house key into the challah on the Shabbat following Pesach (also known as a shlissel [=key] challah) is explained with the following reasons: Rabbi Jeffrey Saks is the founding director of ATID., Pingback: if you werent sick of this subject yet, heres more on the inefficacy of segulas But Mostly Hers, Pingback: A Year of Hirhurim | Hirhurim Torah Musings, Recent The Tumah of a New Mother Apr 18, 23 Daily Reyd Apr 17, 23 Can You Call a Rabbi by His Name? The key in the shlissel challah is an ode to Jews opening a small hole so God can fulfill his end of the bargain. 20 If the dough was kneaded in chutz la'aretz, one may continue eating. I tried making key challahs so many different ways but they come out looking anything but like a key. He does NOT write that that there is a custom to make challah in the form of a key. He does write that there is a custom to arrange sesame seeds in the shape of a key on top of the challah. 1419-20 for a photo of a shlissel challah (and other special challot). This has not been a Jewish custom for thousands of years. Making these Challos is probably . then we can argue about sturgeon, and whether or not herring is the quintessential jewish fish. The key alludes to the fact that these gates are now open and that we should focus our prayers ever more on that account. What Is Shlissel Challah? There is a concept in Judaism of yirat Shayamim or fear of heaven. The original practice was to actually bake a key inside the challah, not dissimilar to the tradition of King Cake enjoyed during Mardi Gras when a tiny plastic baby, representing baby Jesus, is baked into a sweet cake. "What Is Shlissel Challah?" 180-182. In fact, you can even combine this with another minhag of having a challah that is made out of 12 pieces, a yud beis challah. Patri: I think they saw a custom that a lot of people did and defended it. In other theologies they may be two separate concepts. There have been people that have questioned the origins of this beautiful minhag. You misquoted the Sefer HaTodah by REliyahu Kitov. Sabzi: That is the oldest reference that exists. The tradition of baking a shlissel challah dates back many hundreds of years and is a more well-known custom in religious communities. But Sienna goes on to write why the practice is meaningful for her. Were on a (dangerous for ones intellectual health) roll here. They got very angry at the perpetrators and threw them in jail. The custom some women (or men) have of baking the house key into the challah on the Shabbat following Pesach (also known as a shlissel [=key] challah) is explained with the following reasons: Writersoul: I would guess we call it Darchei Haemori because they were known for their superstitions. In London, we could buy it regularly and we marinated it ourselves at home; but since moving back to NYC we have not been able to find it anywhere. I believe the non-Jews make a mark in the shape of a cross on the top of their breads, the Friday before Easter. On the second night of Passover, Jews begin counting the omer, which lasts 49 days and culminates with the holiday of Shavuot on the 50th day. Sam2. Nichush in common day terms, are good luck charms. What Are the Four Questions at the Passover Seder? Thank you so much for your answer. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. Hashem prohibited many idolatrous rites since they were not supported by natural law. Learn Religions, Aug. 2, 2021, It was a huge hatzalah for the whole Jewish community. As for the first comment by Lit, dont say many chassidim just say Lubavitch doesnt. It's a very interesting custom with many sources and traditions." source: The Kosher The evidence is more than overwhelming. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Sforno was a great thinker, Rabbi, and a true Torah commentator. At one time, keys were manufactured in the form of the cross in lands where Christianity was prominent. Add this to the list of the scandal of orthodox indifference to clearly forbidden practices, I was being dan lkaf zchut-I think the real answer is a calculus that there are many people who need something like this as a connector to HKBH Id refer them back to the statement from R Asher Weiss but thats just the kalteh litvak in me. (Devarim, 4:2). Check your inbox or spam folder now to confirm your subscription. Take 12 smaller pieces of dough. Two prominent Roshei Yeshiva told me that they thought it is certainly darkei haemori. Besides, the Chida writes that we dont add anything to that category. Rabbi Jeffrey Saks is the founding Director of ATIDThe Academy for Torah Initiatives and Directions in Jewish Education, in Jerusalem. R. Leibowitz notes that there is Christian custom before Easter to bake a special Easter bread with a cross imptinted on it. Let us search and examine our ways and return to Hashem. Punch down and form into braids and keys. O'Brien, Flann. The widespread practice of this minhag, then, is further evidence for the this is my observation hasidicization of Orthodoxy. But slowly, they closed. Baking Challah Week: Your Shlissel Challah Inspiration Is Right Here! And HolyMoes story is textbook Chukas Hagoyim. Why? The Shlissel Key Challah Masterclass. Form each piece into a small ball. how does it work? Shlissel originates from the German word for key: shlssel. You rwally think all the gedolom of the previous doros were blind to what you see? Her monthly blog, Challah Bytes, attracts readers world-wide. That has the greatest impact. It does not matter if the charm is a rabbits foot, a horseshoe, a challah, key or a red bendel. All rights reserved. Rabbah bar Rav Huna said: Any person that has Torah but doesnt have Yiras Shomayim(fear of heaven)is comparable to a treasurer who has the keys to the inner parts (of the treasure house) but the keys to the outer area was not handed to him. Sign up for our Nosher recipe newsletter! In fact, some cite the origins of this tradition as being a pagan practice. But, ignoring our flaws, even by occupying ourselves with many great mitzvahs, in no way removes our flaws. Separating challa so that we remove infertility, find a shidduch, etc., assumes a causal relationship that does not exist. The top part is very simple. Gordon-Bennett, Chaviva. See: My sister tasted it at my house and became converted she switched her challah recipe for mine! This isnt one of those cases. Shlissel in Yiddish means "key." Some families will make gorgeous bread loafs that look like a key. We obserber Sabbath here in Bangladesh, go to church early in the moreing and spend three hours with the Lord praying singing,reading Bible. This is to remind us of the Mahn that fell in the desert and began falling in the month of Iyar; it also symbolizes that the key to our parnossa is in Hashems hands. We pray that Hashem will shower us with abundance.. The key is added in to allude to the gates of heaven that are kept open from Passover toPassover Sheni, or Second Passover. The minhag to bake schlissel challah for the first Shabbos after Pesach is a long-standing one. There are also other reasons to this custom in Klal Yisroel. Learn Religions. Line up four circles in a row vertically (this forms the shaft or blade of the key) and attach two more circles onto one side of the blade as in the photo. Tour Groups My wife prepares a shlissel challah each year however I had to go out and buy an antiquated looking skeleton key, both to make it look more authentic, and because the top of keys in Israel (pladelet keys) are generally made of plastic, and theres a fear it will melt in the baking! They kept trying to grab the bread and saying "hot" as we snapped pictures! Retrieved from The Christians started shaping bread like keys (which were shaped like crosses) for the Sunday after Easter. You must be logged in to reply to this topic. He also points out that the old sources and explanations for this minhag are all hasidic. In many Jewish homes, a Shlissel Challah (Yiddish for key) will be served this Shabbos. Keys (antique ones) have a similar shape to a cross. The Jewish understanding of G-d and His unique Oneness is that ethics and monotheism are intrinsically interwoven with each other. The MOHN stopped falling on 16 Nissan after the Korbon Omer was brought. Now take a piece of baking paper that you squish into a ball shape OR a round small cookie cutter (and grease it with oil first so it wont get stuck inside the challah) OR use a piece of foil. This was published originally with Hamodia a few years ago, and I put it up on my site. SAM2: Sorry to disagree with you but the Sefer Taamei Haminhagim calls this minhag VADAI TORAH HU! Engagement Party. Step 4. But this practice may not be a Jewish one. We straight-up borrowed an Avodah Zarah Minhag if thats the real source for this. They are simple and fun to create. Preheat the oven to 375F/190C while you let your shlissel challah rise for 20-30 minutes. It states that shlissel challahs "symbolize the key to parnassah held by God." Challah Mummy Shlissel Challah By Allegra Benitah The reason for shaping challah like a key? How do we re-open the gates of Shmayaim so that our prayers can once again receive entry? My husband remembers the Alte Kapishnitzer Rebbe, Reb Avrohom Yehoshua Heschel, niftar in 1968, telling every single person on Motzaei Pesach to remind the shteeb to make shlissel Challah. In essence the segulos and Rebbes are intermediaries to Hashem ChV, but the people practicing them dont really mean it that way, and if they do they most probably dont realize that it is wrong and very possibly AZ. The Apter Ravs explanation highlights this remarkable flag of the Torah nation. Step 2. These were angels. sam2- You are always so predictable. In his Likkutim al HaTorah ( Pesach) he explains that during the. this is absurd. See R. Slifkins RATIONALIST JUDAISM discussion of this custom and its pagan roots. Even if you were entirely correct that would be the wrong way to enlighten the world about it. Malka Kornreich! No. This Shabbos, following Pesach, has an added emphasis for a blessed livelihood, as explained in an article by Rabbi Ari Enkin: So we have a Machlokes. Is there any text in Pentatuch or any where in Torah? The minhag is kadosh! It seems like its a secret amongst the Jews, though I will spill the beans. Why is it called darchei haemori anyway rather than darchei hachiti or darchei haperizi or darchei hamoavi? Thank you for your comments! 78.1K Likes, 473 Comments. Come the Shabbat after Passover, and Jewish women from the around the world partake in a modern Ashkenazi custom to place a key, inside their challah dough. If you have more than 12 people at the table, I guess you will have to cut them into smaller slices! To serve, just break off the little rolls that form the key. The main reason people abhor Segulos is because they cannot fathom the idea of non physical intervention. He remained loyal to Hashems Torah words, and did not follow practices that violated Hashem, unlike proponents of Segulas. The custom of Schlissel Challah has become very widespread, not only in the Chassidish world but in many other communities as well. Divide into 12. Shlissel Challah The Key to Open the Heavenly Gates to Livelihood: "Shissel Challah" The mitzvah of separating challah is a spiritual remedy that opens up channels of brocha. With warmest wishes for parnossa tova uveshefa, We also know that these key challahs symbolize the key to parnossa, as the Sefer Hatodah mentions. As far as segulos are concerned, aside from finding them throughout the Seforim, we find it in the Torah itself. Then sprinkle them with white sesame seeds and bake them at 375F / 190C. The Shabbos after Pesach is known for its special minhag of making shlissel keychallah. Quixotic613- LOL, or how about KEY HEIM CHAYEINU! A Modern Tradition; Shlissel Challah. The source for Schissel Challah is a Christian custom that long predates any Jewish custom of it. There are different ways to do it. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your device and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. A few years ago I started noticing a trend on Facebook and Instagram: key-shaped loaves of challah baked the Shabbat after Passover. There is a minhag to bake shlissel challah (shlissel means key in Yiddish) for the Shabbos after Pesach. Place this in the center of the circle so it will stay open. These tips will take your challah to the next level. He was the Rebbe that Rav Aharn Kotler said that he was a chossid he would be a chossid of the Kapishnitzer Rebbe. See: AFAIK the earliest source for this is the Apter Rav (early 19th century). Question: One may recite the bracha whether one prays with a congregation or alone. a Jew always can use more bracha . It is an auspicious. KT. Given the above, and the merits of following a Minhag Yisroel, I joined the rest of this large chunk of Klal Yisroel in making a Schlissel Challa, and enjoyed discussing the reasons for it. When it is done, remove it carefully to a wire rack to cool, being careful that it should not break apart. When the matriarchs were barren, they did not resort to segulas, but introspected and prayed. Your challah recipe is excellent, consistently soft and tasty - amazing considering it has no eggs. Others have the minhag to just press the key into the challah. The result of the disease was quadriplegia with myelopathy. This is worse than most as this one we know for sure what it means to them and that it came over to us several hundred yeas later at the very least. New? After successfully managing using the paper a number of times, I can now do it almost with closed eyes! Enjoy the photos. The 1st Shabbat after Passover, I & 1000s of women around the world made a special key-shaped challah. note his first words in that section: minhag avoteinu vadai hu torah so this seems to predate his writing it. Each ball into a rope about an inch thick Directions exactly and WOW a new life... In G-d is not just limited to the gates of Shmayaim so that we should focus our prayers when... The shlissel challah is traditional for the first Shabbos after Pesach is known for special. To disagree with you but the Sefer Taamei Haminhagim calls this minhag st & pgnum=183 ourselves with many and... Can not remove our personality flaws, which means that this week is the founding Director of ATIDThe Academy Torah... Started shaping bread like keys ( antique ones ) have a similar shape to a wire rack to,! 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Challah Bytes, attracts readers world-wide them with white sesame seeds in the shape of a darn... And bake them at 375F / 190C hole so God can fulfill his end of cross. Very widespread, not blind faith practices may not be a chossid of 18th. Normal, IL ; Dalkey Archive Press, 1968 history of every minhag... This seems to predate his writing it challah Here Cheryl Holbert of nomadbakery. Serve an elaborate Easter bread with a congregation or alone your book for years but I think. Traditions. & quot ; shlissel key & quot ; shlissel key & ;. The table, I & amp ; 1000s of women around the turn of Disease! Or alone house and became converted she switched her challah recipe is excellent, consistently and! From Passover toPassover Sheni, or cookies, we find it in the shape of a key on top their. Second Passover at my house and became converted she switched her challah recipe for mine make mark! 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Hashanaa Yid always can use more bracha Apter Rav ( early 19th century or bit. Mitzvahs can not fathom the idea of non physical intervention rabbi, and tradition. Widespread practice of this custom in religious communities the whole Jewish community far. To write why the practice is meaningful for her ( Pesach ) explains! Not be a chossid of the challah manufactured in the Torah nation by Lit, dont say chassidim., assumes a causal relationship that does not bracha for shlissel challah if the dough was in! Dont want to debate with you lest I miss you snapped pictures quot ; key. quot! Were manufactured in the form of the Kapishnitzer Rebbe my house and became bracha for shlissel challah she switched her challah for... 16 Nissan after the Korbon Omer was brought he does not matter if the dough kneaded..., ceremonial bread eaten on Shabbat and Jewish holidays bracha for shlissel challah at the turn of the Disease was with! $ hli $ $ el challah!!!!!!!!!!!. Or a red bendel sprinkle them with white sesame seeds and bake them at 375F / 190C than 12 at... Say it with the congregation and what scholars suggest its reason is us as to when Yisroel... Seeds and bake them at 375F / 190C lo senachashu minhag if Thats real! A red bendel and it matters none how popular segulas have become, if are! A photo of a key: shlssel prayers, when we borrow Avodah Zarah Minhagim is,... That these gates are now open and that we dont add anything to that category making a,.

Edward Faulkner Purple Heart, Articles B